Matches by date

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Scotland, Scotland 3 Play off/out

Spartans - Peterhead

Date Time Match 1 X 2 U 2.5 O 2.5 Bk.
NOTES: Click on any match to see detailed statistical preview with odds comparison!
Click on average odds to add match to your selections!



    Bookie 1 X 2 U 2.5 O 2.5
    Average Odds 2.20 3.20 2.95 1.84 1.84
    Average odds 2.20 3.20 2.95 1.84 1.84

    NOTES: Click on average odds to add match to your selections!
    Click on bookmaker name to visit bookmaker's website!
    Betting exchanges odds are not calculated in average odds.
    Betting exchanges commissions are not calculated in their odds.


    Date Opponent H A N H A Competition Season
    07.05.2024 Peterhead 2:1 O 2.5 Scotland 3 poa 2023/2024
    04.05.2024 East Fife 2:1 O 2.5 Scotland 4 2023/2024
    27.04.2024 Peterhead 2:2 O 2.5 Scotland 4 2023/2024
    20.04.2024 Bonnyrigg Rose Ath. 1:0 U 2.5 Scotland 4 2023/2024
    13.04.2024 Stranraer 0:0 U 2.5 Scotland 4 2023/2024
    06.04.2024 Elgin City 2:2 O 2.5 Scotland 4 2023/2024
    30.03.2024 Forfar Athletic 1:0 U 2.5 Scotland 4 2023/2024
    23.03.2024 Clyde 0:0 U 2.5 Scotland 4 2023/2024
    16.03.2024 Dumbarton 2:6 O 2.5 Scotland 4 2023/2024
    09.03.2024 Stenhousemuir 0:0 U 2.5 Scotland 4 2023/2024


    Date Opponent H A N H A Competition Season
    07.05.2024 Spartans 1:2 O 2.5 Scotland 3 poa 2023/2024
    04.05.2024 Dumbarton 2:1 O 2.5 Scotland 4 2023/2024
    27.04.2024 Spartans 2:2 O 2.5 Scotland 4 2023/2024
    20.04.2024 Elgin City 1:1 U 2.5 Scotland 4 2023/2024
    13.04.2024 Forfar Athletic 2:1 O 2.5 Scotland 4 2023/2024
    06.04.2024 Bonnyrigg Rose Ath. 2:2 O 2.5 Scotland 4 2023/2024
    30.03.2024 Clyde 4:1 O 2.5 Scotland 4 2023/2024
    23.03.2024 Stenhousemuir 0:0 U 2.5 Scotland 4 2023/2024
    16.03.2024 East Fife 1:1 U 2.5 Scotland 4 2023/2024
    09.03.2024 Stranraer 2:0 U 2.5 Scotland 4 2023/2024

    Mutual matches

    Date H A N H A Competition Season
    07.05.2024 2:1 O 2.5 Scotland 3 poa 2023/2024
    27.04.2024 2:2 O 2.5 Scotland 4 2023/2024
    06.01.2024 1:0 U 2.5 Scotland 4 2023/2024
    18.11.2023 1:2 O 2.5 Scotland 4 2023/2024
    26.08.2023 1:0 U 2.5 Scotland 4 2023/2024
    26.07.2023 2:1 O 2.5 Scotland, LC 2023/2024
    Total 6 4 1 1 9:6 (+3) 15 1,50 1,00 2,50 2 4 33:67
    Home 3 1 1 1 5:5 (0) 10 1,67 1,67 3,33 0 3 0:100
    Away 3 3 0 0 4:1 (+3) 5 1,33 0,33 1,67 2 1 67:33


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