Results by date

< 22.11.2009. (Sunday) >

The match was not played because the guest players didn't appear on the stadium. It was registered with the official result 3:0.
The match was not played because the guest players didn't appear on the stadium. It was registered with the official result 3:0.
Played in Gusau.
It was registered with the official result, because Afghan did not show up on the field.
It was registered with the official result, because Baloch did not show up on the field.
Played in Sosnowiec.
1:1 after the extra time, penalties 3:5.
2:2 after the extra time, penalties 5:4.
1:1 after the extra time, penalties 3:2.
0:0 after the extra time, penalties 4:3.
3:2 after the extra time.
0:0 after the extra time, penalties 9:10.
Played in Perth.
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